Congregation of Beverlywood

It was the month of July 1957, less than 2 months before the high holidays. A sign in the window of Fred's Bakery on Robertson Boulevard announced an upcoming meeting for the people interested in helping to form a new synagogue in the neighborhood.
The meeting was to be held in an office building 2 blocks north of the present location. At the meeting it was disclosed that a charter had been secured previously for a conservative synagogue to be named "Knesseth Israel Congregation of Beverlywood" but it had never come to fruition.
The proposed synagogue could pick up the charter, file the necessary papers, and be ready for the high holidays to be held at the meeting location, which could be rented.
It was approved by those in attendance, tickets were printed and sold and the first high holiday services of "Knesseth Israel Congregation of Beverlywood" were conducted.
A short term lease was signed and it was disclosed the building was for sale. The membership tried to raise the funds among themselves to purchase the building. While the effort was being made, the building was sold and the lease came to an end.
As a result of this loss, it became imperative to search for other quarters quickly. The current premises were found and purchased with the financial guarantees by a few of the founding members.
In the years to follow, people performed duties without compensation, craftsmen installing the wood paneling, building the alter, railings and steps, fashioning candelabras by hand. Truly a labor of love for the shul.
A sisterhood hosted luncheons to raise funds. After school Hebrew classes were started. Since more space was needed, the building underwent a remodel. By extending the back, a new kitchen, new bathrooms and a patio were added. The front facade was remodeled.
The succeeding generations added their contributions to accommodated the needs of the congregants. A change from conservative to orthodox services came about and the change brought the shul to where we know it today.